Thursday, June 18, 2015

Painting the Browndale Park pond

8 x 10 oil on canvas (sold)
Painting at the pond in Browndale Park this weekend.  The park is surrounded by houses.  It seems that one of the homeowners has a dog who has staked the pond as his claim.  He appeared behind me and kept barking and approaching in spite of me talking nicely to him and not making eye contact. Had to yell a few times, but the owners finally heard. They buzzed him with his electronic collar and he ran off towards the homes.
Wondering if this is preparation for the bears I may come across painting along the Northshore this Summer......  Bear spray anyone...... 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Portrait complete?

Here she is in full color. This painting has been so much fun to paint. I have left out some beautiful detail on the hat. (a tassel in the front and a string of beads going from front to back) I am still considering adding them.  I am concerned if I add too much detail it will overwhelm her and and make the painting about the Hanbok instead of her in her Hanbok.  

Here are a couple more progress pictures.

Here I laid in the forms of her face.
This was taken after adding the lights to the skin and painting the details on her eyes.  After this photo was taken I added the red piping around the hat, then the yellow sleeves.